Services-page — We Were There

What can we help you with?

We are here if you need external help or strategic advice and want a more effective, unbiased and less static solution than the current alternatives out there. Some examples of work:

  • Streamlining processes with AI

  • Sales- and marketing transformation roadmaps

  • AI policys and strategies

  • AI adapted brand guidelines, content- and marketing strategies.

  • Customised AI advisory boards

  • AI business development

Our setup can also act like a hybrid in-house solution instead of only having people employed, or just a better way to upskill and supercharge your existing teams and in-house hubs when needed.

Not only SALES AND marketing

Besides our own expertise, our network covers the competences needed when working with digitalization, AI operations and customer journey work like strategic advice, creative services, data/analytics, AI prompting, customer experience, service development, P.R, CRM, tech, innovation and more.

Our setup is great if your needs are changing in the coming years which often is suitable for startups, scaleups and brands undergoing transformation. Read more about our approach or contact us for more info.



Our services


We help you to create a more effective setup with unbiased and holistic advice around strategies, initiatives, processes, competences and ways of working both internally and externally.


Upskilling and supercharging agile organisations and teams with creative services and media/marketing expertise. Hand-picking teams that can act like a customized agency.

INHOUSE creative hubs

We help you with your aim to become a better, faster and more effective organisation by assisting you in setting up creative hubs and scaling up in-house capabilities.


Get in touch!

If you have a question or want to know more about how We Were There works or maybe you just want to take a coffee? Contact us!